Saturday, 10 July 2010


Welcome dudes,

So, for as long as I can remember, I've had this nagging feeling that I need to go and see some of the world. Discover my adventurous spirit that has lain dormant for too long etc. etc... I've told friends for a few years that "this is the year" or "next year, that's when I'll do it", to the extent that they probably thought I'd never leave - I'm not sure I did. I started to wonder if maybe I'm just the 'ideas guy', rather than 'the guy that follows through' haha ( yes I'm afraid this blog will be littered with childish humour)

Now in my 24th year, the opportunity has come up and I intend to take it. Actually, I think it's more appropriate to say I made the opportunity, because things like this don't really fit in all too well. Life sort of, gets in the way. There is always other stuff going on, pesky things like careers, mortgage payments, witness protection programs you get the idea...

So, I spent the last two months building up a bicycle - hopefully one worthy of crossing continents! Gathering a bundle of savings, sadly I'm still owed a chunk, having pestered the company for months with little or no return I've decided to go anyway. I've also gathered up various bits of kit for the trip. The usual camping gear/clothing and some cheeky luxury items - ipod, Digital SLR, Acoustic Travel Guitar.

My route is some what vague, and almost certain to change but here's an idea

The bicycle is probably my favourite form of transport, incredibly efficient, good for my body and spirit, and particularly kind to the environment. I hope that through this blog I can promote the use of bicycles for transport, perhaps even encourage some readers to ditch their car, and take the bike to work! I think it's a great tool for traveling, moving at 12mph gives quite unique perspective, smells and sounds that would go un-noticed if I were whizzing by in my metal box.

I intend this to be a "warts and all" account of my trip. The main purpose being for friends and family to keep up with where I am/what I'm upto. I'm no writer, my speeling g'rammer are shit - and I'm partial to some swearing, so I'll say sorry now and be done with it : ) I will also be writing a more comprehsive paper journal as I go, then I'll upload snip-its with photos as and when I find cyber cafes.

If I haven't already done so in person, then I'll take this opportunity to invite you along for a holiday with a difference - perhaps you've yet to decide on a destination this year, or are looking for an excuse to get away. I already have folks intent on joining me for various stages - but there's always room for more!! If not then please join me vicariously through this blog...

Do let me know what you think, either through comments or my email (below). Feel free to email me with any news or "goss" from home, it will be great to hear from you. Your welcome to pass a link for this blog onto anyone that shows an interest or may find it useful, the more the merrier!

See you on the road...


  1. Looks like I might be the first to wish you Bon Voyage! Have a fantabarasmic trip. Looking forward to the swearing.

  2. Hi James, pleased you've got this blog up and running so soon as I'll be very interested to keep up with where you are and what you're doing, as its all the entertainment I get as a stay at home mum ha ha!! Loads of luck and happy times on your exciting travels and most importantly stay safe. Looking forward to reading your next installment. Love Sara xx

  3. James, Have a fantastic trip, albeit slow. 12mph, whats that all about? Still it's faster than Matt, despite what he says. BTW your google map route shows you've completed 7904 miles already. We're looking forward to watching you amazing adventure unfold. Best wishes Ant & Clare x

  4. Good luck have fun and I hope your arse doesn't get to soar!

  5. Hey ant you bastard !!! 12mph im up to pro speeds of 15mph + Now !!

    Have fun dude !! Dont forget to send us some beer\food poisoning poo photo's !! If you need anything doing this end let us know !!

  6. good work mate, lookin forward to seein the pics

  7. Hey Dude,

    This blog is good. Thought you couldnt write??
    I hope all is going well and look forward to the next installment. Things like... "Today I saw a dead badger" etc.

    Take care


  8. the one that said dave was actually me

  9. sounds amazing mate!......apart from the bum chafe! I might do it next year!!! lol (yeah right) get ur photos up!
